Greenbrier Eastside Elementary
Whatever It Takes!
Relay Run of the Week
From Mrs. Revels, "Change is uncomfortable. But, it is when we are uncomfortable we see ourselves grow. This teacher has embraced a new role this year that has been out of her comfort zone to say the least. It has been challenging, but she has, and continues to put in the work with a smile and a grateful heart. She has truly taken the baton and ran this year in her new role. Paulo Coehlo said, 'When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” This week, it is my pleasure to pass the Relay Run of the Week baton to Mrs. Berry."
Did you know that children can suffer academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year? That’s just 16 days or 2 to 3 days a month. And that can add up before you know it. Eastside Elementary is working to give a renewed push to get all kids to school—on time, every day. This year students will earn a square on their PRIDEOPOLY game board for each day their class has 95% percent of students present. After 5 squares have been earned, the class will get to move their game piece to the next incentive! We are so excited to reward students for coming to school!
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Ms. Martinez and her 4th graders kicked off their first read aloud of the year, Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing! The setting is New York City so they went on a virtual tour to gain background knowledge! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud
Relay Run of the Week
Passing the baton... This “runner” always has a positive attitude and is uplifting to others. She goes above and beyond to ensure others know they are valued and important. When she sees something positive she makes sure to point it out! This “runner” used her old yearbook ad-selling skills to guarantee our teacher retreat had the best prizes! Our relay run of the week goes to Mrs. Revels! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud #eesnolimits
Selfies at Sonic
We would love to see all our Eastside families on Tuesday, August 6th! Drop by anytime between 5:30-6:30 to visit with Mrs. West and Mrs. Barnett, see some teachers and snap a selfie!! We hope you all are having the best summer and we can't wait to see you soon! ##EESlegacy ##GreenbrierProud
4th Grade 'Smells'!
As review for testing, 4th grade scientists have been extending their learning about how the brain controls everything they do through taking in stimuli! Yesterday, they performed a ruler drop to measure how long it took their brains to send the message to their arm to catch the ruler. Some of them were as quick as the blink of an eye, literally! Today, the stimulus is smell. They were challenged to find their “family” by only using their sense of smell, no talking allowed. Afterwards, they had a great discussion on how once they smelled the scent, what decisions the brain had to make to help them find their “family”. It’s been a fun day! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud
Daffodil Contest Winner
Congratulations to 3rd grader Madeline Hancock and her art teacher, Crystal Moore, on her🥇place award for the Daffodil Daze Art Contest! Another example of a student leaving her #EESlegacy! #GreenbrierProud
Test Bash 2024
Test bash 2024! All year we have been ‘daring’ students to work hard and go the extra mile! So today staff got them pumped up to show what they know for their end of year testing by throwing them a game show themed test bash!! We took it old school 😎 back to the days of Double Dare! Staff competed in test taking strategy questions and challenges to determine the Double Dare winner! The staff hit the Q.U.A.N to remind students to read the QUESTION, UNDERLINE important words, ANSWER all the questions, and NEVER give up! Also, big THANK YOU to Mr. ToadMaster himself (Brian Ratliff) for being our famous talk show host and Mr. Cayden Wallace for recording a message for students about finishing with integrity! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud Click this link for our HYPE video!
Whatever it Takes Award
Mrs. Araya Ossius is an exceptional example of a teacher who does whatever it takes for the students at Eastside Elementary. During her tenure, she has taught literacy and science, mentored at-risk students in our VIP program, and served as a leader on our district science curriculum team. As a guiding coalition member at Eastside, she supports novice teachers through instructional coaching. Her high expectations for what learners can accomplish with the right will and skill creates a culture for learning and growth mindset in her classroom. For the last several years, she has led Eastside’s Black History Month experience through the coordination and facilitation of projects in six different grade levels that educate our school community on the rich culture and contributions of black figures throughout history. This year, she took that endeavor past our own walls by sharing her work with teachers at Springhill Elementary, as well. Recently, an at-risk student was posed the question “who is the most important person at our school?”, to which they responded “Mrs. Ossius, because she won’t let anyone fail.” Eastside is building a legacy of strength and high expectations in large part due to the relentless pursuit of greatness by Mrs. Ossius. We are #GreenbrierProud to present her with the April Whatever It Takes Award.
Vowel "arrrrrrr"
🏴☠️ Captain Bossy R has been in Mrs. Hamaker’s class all week teaching about how an r right after a vowel changes its sound. We’ve done a multi sensory “challenge” with our new bossy r sounds each day to see if the kiddos can join Bossy R’s crew. ❌ They were challenged with creating a map of AR words that were set out around the class, with a few trick words that did not have ar (and therefore had to walk the plank) ❌ They had to choose and read the correct word with “IR” to feed my bird, Miranda ❌ They were given “silver” and had to read them and decide which words to put in the treasure chest (words with “ER”) and which words were “counterfeit” to toss back to the sea. #EESlegacy #greenbrierproud
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Lunch Times
Parent FAQs
- When is the school day?
- School day begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 3:20 p.m. Car riders should not arrive before 7:25 a.m. Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. and before 8:30 a.m. or leaving between 2:40 to 3:20 p.m. will be considered tardy and must be signed in/out through the office by a parent/guardian. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. or leaving before 3:00 p.m. will receive a 1⁄2 day absence.
- When does my child have to be picked up?
- Car riders must be picked up by 3:40 p.m. Parents/guardians should remain in their cars when picking up their children in the afternoon so that students may be more closely monitored unless a parent needs to speak to school staff. No one will be allowed to wait inside the building.
- How many days of school can my child miss?
- Students shall not be absent, as defined in this policy more than 8 days in grades K-5 in a semester. When a student has 4 days in grades K-5 absences, his/her parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be notified that the student has missed half the allowable days for the semester. Notification may be by telephone.
- Whenever a K-5 student exceeds 8 unexcused days in a semester, the District shall notify the prosecuting authority and the parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be subject to a civil penalty as prescribed by law. A K-5 student with 8 unexcused days in a course in a semester shall not receive credit for that semester. If the student fails to receive credit for a sufficient number of courses and at the discretion of the principal after consultation with persons having knowledge of the circumstances of the absences, the student may be denied promotion. Excessive absences, however, shall not be a reason for expulsion or dismissal of a student.
- Can I come eat lunch with my child?
- Yes, we have an outside lunch area set up for parents to eat with students. You must sign in at the office with Ms. Brianna and she will call for your student.
- Can I bring cupcakes for my child’s birthday?
- Unfortunately, you cannot bring cupcakes for your child’s birthday. If you would like to send a special snack, you are welcome to bring something from the approved snack list.
- What should I do if I have a concern about my child?
- We ask that you contact your child’s teacher first with any issues. If your child’s teacher is unable to resolve the issue they will direct you to the administrator.
- When is the school day?