Greenbrier Eastside Elementary

Whatever It Takes!


  • UCA Basketball Visitors

    Eastside’s basketball club had some extra special visitors play ball with them this morning! Big thanks to the UCA Women’s Basketball Team for waking up early to greet car riders and face off with our own EES ballers! (There are mixed stories about who won.😉) #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud

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  • Light Up Learning

    1st Graders Are Lighting Up Learning! Our 1st grade students are taking their curiosity to the next level with a hands-on science experiment in Enrichment this week inspired by Ellie Electricity! After reading this exciting story, they applied their new knowledge about circuits to create light-up Christmas cards using LED lights and batteries. These little engineers combined creativity, science, and holiday cheer to bring their cards to life! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud

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  • 4th Grade Authors

    4th graders are published authors! As a grade, we wrote a book together called The Best Part of Me. Every student got to pick their best external or internal character trait and wrote a page about it! Here we are celebrating our class book arriving from the publishing company! 📝🫶🏽 #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud

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  • 'Y' swatter!

    1st graders were learning the phonics rule for when to use a y for a long i sound! Mrs. Berry committed this sound to memory by having students listen for words that ended with the long i sound. When they heard a word that followed the pattern they would swat their ‘fly’ with their ‘y’ swatter!

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  • Veteran's Day

    We were able to celebrate some special people who served in the military. Thank you Colonel John Tate for speaking to our students and guests about responsibility and integrity! Gracie, Meadow, and Anna authored some heartfelt words of appreciation that they shared with our guests and the Eastside Entertainers put on a show! We concluded the morning with a parade of heroes! 

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  • Whatever It Takes Award

    For our October Whatever It Takes award, we want to show specific appreciation to an important staff member of Eastside Elementary School. “Ms. Stacey” is an exemplar of calm, focused, positive support for young learners experiencing difficulty with self regulation. She serves as their guide, model, counselor, instructional aide, and confidant. The love and support she has poured into Eastside students for the last few years has resulted in many students becoming successful learners and leaders. Her empathy shines through some of the most challenging moments with students and has led to teachers and other staff being more thoughtful in how they interact with students when they are not “learning ready”. Mrs. Kinsman has enhanced a culture of kindness and high expectations for staff and students at Eastside. Her legacy will have a long term impact on our school! We are #GreenbrierProud to present her with the October Whatever It Takes award.

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  • Coteaching with Mrs. Daniels

    🔦 This week Mrs. Daniels, our library media specialist, is coteaching with kindergarten! She is focusing on shadows! Students got to listen to a story about how shadows are made and then got to experiment! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud

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  • Kindergarten 50's day!

    50 days of school means 50's day in kindergarten!  We are so proud of all the progress our kindergarten teachers and students have made thus far!  

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  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

    September 19th was International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So Mrs. Strick and students have been working on story elements, following directions, vocabulary, rhyming, sentence, structure, and grammar. Today the students participated in following directions and looking for a treasure chest through the school. It was so much fun! #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud

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  • Goal Getters!

    Mrs. Burcham’s 2nd grade class got to RING THE BELL last week after reaching their class goal! 🔔 94% of her students can officially read multisyllable words with short vowel sounds fluently! This is a very important skill for the rest of their year as they begin to transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” and we were so excited to cheer them on for their hard work!👏🏻 #EESlegacy #GreenbrierProud

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  • Laban's 8 Themes of Movement

    Kindergarten and 1st-grade students are working through Laban's 8 themes of movement in Mrs. Wickless' music class. Rudolph Laban was a Hungarian-born dancer who studied human movement and inspired several generations of dancers and educators. He summed up movement into 4 major categories- space, body, relationship, and effort. Students tried Paper Plate Balancing while listening to different types of music this week to discover how they could move individual parts and not just their whole body. They played a game where they had to balance on different parts and move around but when their plate fell, they had to freeze and wait for someone else to come and give them their plate back and then balance it somewhere new.

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  • Character Kids!

    These students were selected as our Character Kids of the Month for showing Heart! Each month, students and staff focus on a character word and students are chosen for leaving their Eastside Legacy!

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Lunch Times

Parent FAQs

    • When is the school day?
      • School day begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 3:20 p.m. Car riders should not arrive before 7:25 a.m. Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. and before 8:30 a.m. or leaving between 2:40 to 3:20 p.m. will be considered tardy and must be signed in/out through the office by a parent/guardian. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. or leaving before 3:00 p.m. will receive a 1⁄2 day absence.
    • When does my child have to be picked up?
      • Car riders must be picked up by 3:40 p.m. Parents/guardians should remain in their cars when picking up their children in the afternoon so that students may be more closely monitored unless a parent needs to speak to school staff. No one will be allowed to wait inside the building.
    • How many days of school can my child miss?
      • Students shall not be absent, as defined in this policy more than 8 days in grades K-5 in a semester. When a student has 4 days in grades K-5 absences, his/her parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be notified that the student has missed half the allowable days for the semester. Notification may be by telephone.
      • Whenever a K-5 student exceeds 8 unexcused days in a semester, the District shall notify the prosecuting authority and the parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be subject to a civil penalty as prescribed by law. A K-5 student with 8 unexcused days in a course in a semester shall not receive credit for that semester. If the student fails to receive credit for a sufficient number of courses and at the discretion of the principal after consultation with persons having knowledge of the circumstances of the absences, the student may be denied promotion. Excessive absences, however, shall not be a reason for expulsion or dismissal of a student.
    • Can I come eat lunch with my child?
      • Yes, we have an outside lunch area set up for parents to eat with students. You must sign in at the office with Ms. Brianna and she will call for your student. 
    • Can I bring cupcakes for my child’s birthday?
      • Unfortunately, you cannot bring cupcakes for your child’s birthday. If you would like to send a special snack, you are welcome to bring something from the approved snack list.
    • What should I do if I have a concern about my child?
      • We ask that you contact your child’s teacher first with any issues. If your child’s teacher is unable to resolve the issue they will direct you to the administrator.