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A Greenbrier High School teacher is in the running for the Arkansas Teacher of the Year

Jeremy Kennedy has been named a top four finalist for the Arkansas Teacher of the Year. Mr. Kennedy teaches AP English Language and Composition to 11th grade students at Greenbrier High School. Mr. Kennedy was chosen as the teacher of the year at the high school, then he was then selected as the overall teacher of the year in the Greenbrier School District. Mr. Kennedy was chosen initially in the top fourteen finalists for the Arkansas Teacher of the Year, and now has been named in the top four out of the entire state of Arkansas. 



Mr. Kennedy being recognized at the high school by staff, students, and family.


 Mr. Travis Barrentine, GHS Principal, awarding Mr. Kennedy for his accomplishments.

 Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Kelli Martin with Mr. Kennedy at the District Teacher of the Year Luncheon 





Mr. Kennedy with his students during one of his AP English Language & Composition classes at GHS.


 Mr. Kennedy with his family at GHS after he was recognized as the high school teacher of the year.


Congratulations to Mr. Jeremy Kennedy on this prestigious honor!